Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mr & Mrs L and Boys

Once again the L Family came for Family Portraits, and you can see they have a thing for Halloween.We had a blast while they wrestled and played and I got to shot the pics
After the L family left last Saturday, I told my Husband "I love that family" We decided that what makes this family special is that they are so genuine and comfortable with each other. A family with 3 boys is unique, but this family was blessed with the sweetest softest Mom that smooths all 4 boys edges.
Thanks L Family for a fun Saturday morning & smiling even when we had to do the re-takes.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I know it's gonna be a fun morning when I lower my light stands as low as they can go, make silly faces & ask tiny people to show me their best "Kooko" face. (You can bet, there is one niblet that undoubtedly REFUSE to smile for you no matter nutty you act)
Thanks Miss Ginger & her preschoolers for a crazy fun morning

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Twin Seniors

Taking M & Miss H pics was so awesome. They are the sweetest teens I know. M is so smart & truly a gentleman. A quality few guys have now days. Pretty darn handsome, too. Miss H is a super-duper fantastic artist. This girls gonna be famous someday !!. Famous & Gorgeous!! Thanks V twins. I had a blast.